1. Home learning assignments are due at the beginning of the period, not during or at the end of the period. You will leave it on the designated area of the teacher's desk before you seat.
  2. Home learning assignments will be assigned two to three times a week. Check the Home learning assignments area on the board and ask the teacher about it. In case the teacher forgets to mention what the Home learning assignment is, and the entire class forget to ask about it, the students are still responsible for the Home learning assignments posted at the Home Learning Assignments page of Mr. Pagani’s webpage (http://teachers.dadeschools.net/spagani/), at OneNote Classroom, at Edmodo, Google Classroom, or sent through Google School webmail. If you do not have access to the Internet at home, and you do not have the ability nor the time to go to the media center at school or any public library where you know there is free access to the Internet, please, make sure you know what your Home learning assignments are before you leave from Mr. Pagani's class, and have a way to contact at least 5 other classmates. Ask for their cell phone number, social media address, email, etc.
  3. A student with an unexcused tardy will not be allowed to turn in Home learning assignments for that day.
  4. If you were absent, you are responsible for the missed assignments. Following an absence, it is the student's responsibility to find out what work was missed. Each student should arrange to have class buddies to contact when absent. Absences are very costly in lab classes.
  5. Missed work is assigned a Z in the electronic gradebook (which corresponds to an F) until it is made up on time and according to these policies. Missed Home learning assignments for excused absences are due the following class or the grade will become a permanent F.
  6. The teacher will only accept late work corresponding to unexcused absences at his discretion.
  7. The maximum grade for late work is "C".
  8. The Home Learning Assignments page at Mr. Pagani’s website, at OneNote Classrooms, and at Google Classrooms, contain the list of Home learning assignments since the beginning of the school year. This facilitates you and your parents or guardians to verify how much work have you done at home for this class. Check that frequently so you will be able to understand better the grade you make in this class. Don't forget that Home Learning Assignments are an easy way to earn an important part of the value of this class. Home Learning Assignments are assignments that you can do with the help of experts in the field, parents or guardians, other family members, friends, peers in class, teachers online (DIAL-A-TEACHER ONLINE, or http://www.dadeschools.net/students.asp), etc. Don't waste this wonderful opportunity to learn while you easily earn an important portion of your grade. Go back to the homepage