While your child is in fourth grade he/she is expected to complete homework assignments on time. Homework assignments will include, but are not limited to; reading assignments, math assignments, language arts/grammar assignments, spelling assignment, science assignment, social studies assignment, writing assignment, and projects. I will expect that ALL assignments assigned WILL be turned in ON TIME. There is NO EXCEPTION to this policy!
1. All assignments are to be turned in on the due date.
2. If assignment(s) is/are not turned in on the due date, the student will have one (1) day to turn the work in to Ms. Roman. They will receive 10% (one letter grade) off on late assignment(s).
3. If the late assignment is not turned in the following day, then they will have one more chance to turn it in two (2) days late, and they will receive 20% (two letter grades) off on the late assignment(s).
4. If the late assignment is not turned in by the second day late, the assignment receives a zero (0), and the student will not be given another opportunity to turn in the late assignment.
5. Parents will be made aware of each late/missing assignment by receiving a Missing Assignment Slip. The slip must be returned to Ms. Roman by the following day or student will lose recess and other classroom privileges.
6. Once a student has accumulated three (3) Missing Assignment Slips in one week, he/she will serve an after school detention. During this time, the student will work on any assignment that have not been completed (regardless if they receive a grade on the assignment or not).
7. If your child is sick, they will have the same number of days to make-up their work that they were sick (example: 2 days sick = 2 days to make-up work). If they work is not turned in after that time period, the homework policy goes into effect.

More on Homework...


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Why Homework Is Assigned

When Will Homework Be Assigned
Student's Home work Responsibility
Teacher's Homework Responsibility
Parent's Homework Responsibility
If Students Do Not Complete their Homework Assignment
If A Student Doesn't Know The Homework Assignment
Exceptions For Turning In Homework Assignments Late

Why homework is assigned

Homework is vitally important to any child's school success. It is a time for your child to review and practice important skills learned in the classroom. Not only does it reflect the concepts that students are learning, but it also give additional practice to difficult skills while enriching their evening hours.  Homework encourages responsibility and independence. I know you will agree with me that it is "the practice" that helps each of us become better at whatever we try to do. Unfortunately, our school day is not long enough for students to practice everything they learned each and every day. Homework, therefore, is a MUST! According to Miami Dade County Public Schools, homework is to be assigned daily (Mon.-Fri.) and there is a mandate of 30 minutes spent on reading. Homework is not a punishment and should be viewed as a way to improve academics.

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When homework will be assigned

Homework will normally be assigned Monday through Thursday.  I usually don't like to assign homework on Friday. However, I may decide to assign a project to work on over the weekend, or I may feel that a student may need extra practice in a certain area.  If that is the case, homework will be assigned on a Friday. Homework assignments should take students no more than 20 to 30 minutes to complete each night, not including studying for tests and working on projects.  An additional 30 minutes should be set aside daily for reading, working on Reading Plus, and finishing incomplete class work. Most homework assignments will involve reading, answering questions, writing, and completing related worksheets.

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Student's homework responsibilities

Students are responsible for their daily homework assignment.  The homework will be posted daily on the board in the same spot everyday.  They will each be responsible for completing all the assignments written on the board for that day.  I expect students to do their best job on their homework.  I expect homework to be neat, not sloppy.  I expect students to do their own work and ask for help after they have given their best effort.  Finally, I expect that all assignments to be completed on time.

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Teacher's homework responsibilities

I will make sure to have the homework assignment on the board each day before the class arrives.  I will also check the homework with the class on a daily basis and answer any questions the students might have. No homework assignment will be issued for new material, only for material previously covered in class.  I want to make sure my students feel comfortable with a certain skill or material before I assign it, therefore, parents should expect their child to complete all assignments given, since it will be a review to them.  Parents, I will keep a record of all homework assignments completed and not completed.  Any missing assignment will be reported to you immediately in a "Missing Assignment Slip", along with the assignment for the child to make up.  Parents are to sign the bottom of the slip and return to me the following day to be filed away.  At the end of the grading period, I go back into my files and take these slips into consideration when it comes to lowering an academic and/or effort grade. Because I strongly believe in the value positive support plays in motivating students to develop good study habits, I will give student praise and other incentives when they do their homework.

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Parent's homework responsibilities

Parents are the key to making homework a positive experience for their children. Therefore, I ask that parents make homework a top priority, provide necessary supplies, and a quiet learning environment for their child. By establishing a daily homework time, providing praise and support, your child is not only headed down the right path, but is also learning how to be successful and responsible from you. Please do not let your child avoid homework. Feel free to contact me either by email, letters, or class visits if any problems should arise.

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If students do not complete their homework assignments

If students choose not to do their homework assignments, I will ask that parents begin checking and signing at the bottom of each completed assignment each night. If students still choose not to complete their homework assignments, they also choose to lose certain privileges in the classroom. Please refer to my Behavior Management Plan for info.

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If a student doesn't know the homework assignments

Once again, homework assignments are written on the board daily for the students to copy down in their planners. Students are suppose to keep their planners in their book bags at all times so that they don't get lost.  In addition, I always go over the assignments at this time, and remind the students what they need to bring home.  There is no excuse for a student not knowing how to do a homework assignment, or for not having the proper supplies at home to complete it. (No excuses!)

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Exceptions for turning in homework assignments late

If for some reason (sickness, emergencies, etc.) a student is unable to complete their homework assignment, please write a note, and the assignment will be excused until the next day or longer if needed. However, please don't write a note asking for more time to complete the assignment if the reason is lack of materials, or because your child forgot a book or just simply forgot. Please remember, this will only hurt your child in the long run because it sends the message that it is okay to not pay attention or be responsible when I am going over homework in class. When students face consequences of their actions it helps to prepare them to become more responsible, independent workers in the future.  (Parents, I know this is hard. Please work with me on this.)

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