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  The most Frequently Asked Questions about Second Grade


Where can I find the supplies that my child needs...?

Supplies can be purchased at our "little school store" located next to the Main Office. You will also find these supplies in any regular store that sells school items.

Lead pencils  are not allowed nor are trapper-keepers ( they take up too much space in the desk). Pencils, sharpeners, erasers, crayons and paper will be kept in the classroom.


Where should my child wait in the morning ? Is it alright if I drop her off in front of the class...?

Your child should remain in the school cafeteria, and there he or she will be picked up by the teacher. Due to safety reasons, please do not leave your child in front of the class. If you plan to wait with your child, we would rather that you do so in the cafeteria. In the past we have had problems because children see their friends' parents at the door, and they assume that they too can stay and become the responsibility of those parents.

Why shouldn't I enter the classroom with my child in the morning...?

 The first fifteen minutes of the morning are essential for teachers and students to get organized for the day. For teachers  it is a crucial time, since we need to focus our attention entirely on the students and listen to the morning announcements.  This is often very difficult to do when parents are in the classroom and stop in for a friendly chat.

When and how can we contact you ...?

We can set up an informal conference during the time that the children are in special areas. Please send me a note with your child if you have a question or a comment that you would like to share.

What is your homework policy...?

Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday  Students will copy their homework in their student planners, and parents are asked to initial everyday, after they have checked that the homework has been done. If your child misses homework, I will ask you child to circle what was missed, and next to that I will write  : " No homework" on that day. Please be aware that missed homework affects the effort grade in the report card. 

  Homework is usually graded  as a class, and assignments are not returned home. If your child is absent, the assignments will be handed to your child on the day of his return, and he or she will be responsible for turning in the missed homework. Please be aware that homework will not be handed out to a child that leaves early, since this creates a  big disruption for the class. Homework will be available the following day. 

Note: Please check your child's backpack on a daily basis, for there are often papers to sign or forms that need to be seen by you. 

How will discipline be handled in the classroom...?

Children will be constantly reinforced to behave and follow classroom rules. Every time the teacher sees a positive behavior, a point will be given to the whole class. Once the students reach 50 points, a special treat will be given.( I try not to give sweets or candy. Rewards might be sitting with a friend,  extra reading time, etc...)

There will also be an individual behavior chart that is kept in the classroom. At the end of the day, students will fill out their own individual mini behavior chart, according to how they behaved that day. Please sign this chart daily, and keep it in your child's folder.

If your child has a difficult time following classroom rules, I will send you a note and we can set up an appointment to discuss the matter. Conduct grades are as follows:

*   A:  Student always behaves and follows class rules in the classroom as well as in the cafeteria, restroom, and other areas around the school..

B : Student behaves well, although at times he or she forgets to follow some of the rules. 

C : Student has a very hard time following class rules, teacher has sent several notes home.

What consequences will there be if my child does not follow classroom rules?

* Points for the class will be taken off.

* Teacher will send note home to the parents.

* Conduct grade will be affected.

* Conferences between parent and teacher might be scheduled

* Student might lose certain privileges like being able to participate in a field trip or in a free time activity.

( Severe cases will include a visit to the Principal or a suspension)

Will I be able to see any of my child's work ...?

Your child's folder will be sent home when report cards are issued. Please sign the assignments and return the folder with all the papers inside

What happens if my child is absent? Will she be able to complete missed assignments...?

Your child will be able to complete missed assignments and tests, only if the absences are excused absences. Please send a note to school  explaining the cause of the absence on the day that your child returns to school. Please note that it will  be your child's responsibility to provide teachers with this note. 

Excused absences include doctor's appointments, illness, death in the family or a religious holiday that the student is observing.

Will I be able to attend field trips with the class...?

I am always very happy to have parents on field trips, but unfortunately, it is not always possible to take as many chaperones as I would like. For each field trip I will put the names of interested parents in an envelope and take out two or three names at random. According to Dade County rules, parents will need to be registered as volunteers. Please sign the volunteer form or ask about this in the Main Office.

What is the procedure for dismissal?

Children will be dismissed at 3:05 in front of the classroom. ( Except on Wednesdays, which will be at 1:50 pm). If you and your child decide on a different meeting place, please let me  know where that meeting place will be.  If you are late to pick up your child, he or she will be sent to the Main Office. 

Please avoid picking up your child before dismissal time, since it becomes very disruptive for the children. If you do need to do this, please go to the Main Office to ask for an early release pass. 

Will my child be able to hand out party invitations in the class...?

Invitations to parties can only be passed out in school if the whole class is invited (or all girls if it is a girl party or all boys for a boy party). Children this age are very sensitive to being left out. 

What is the grading system at North Beach Elementary ?

The following letter grades correspond to these percentages :

A = 90 to 100%

B= 80 to 89%

C= 70 to 79%

D = 60 to 69%

F= below 59%