What has been the best advice that your mother has ever given you ?

Here is a collection of thoughts from our second graders :


* Don't bother her when she is on a business call.                                               

* Wait 3 minutes after you eat, so that the food can digest. 

* Never talk to strangers.

*  Always stay on the right side when you are riding your bike.

*  Read an hour instead of the half hour that the teachers want.

* Not to hang on the bars of my balcony because I could slip and fall.

* To breath in and out when you are nervous, and to stay calm if you forget your homework.

* Not to lie because otherwise you will never have friends.

* Always be yourself and never show off.

* Never kiss a dog and don't call God bad names.

* Ignore others when they say you have a crush on a boy.

* Not to bite my nails because I can get a big bump and blood will come out.

*Don't push yourself too far and don't do something just to be cool.

* Don't fake being sick because you will regret it.

*Don't eat ice-cream fast and always put on your seatbelt.

* Always be kind and have a caring heart.

*  Always mind my own business.

*Never stick your body parts out of the bus.

* Never run with my shoelaces untied because I can get hurt.

* Telling me to close my eyes and ask God to make me remember the spelling words and everything we studied.

* Not to do things that would embarrass me.

* Don't do karate on other people.

*Be something you want to be, not what other people tell you to be.

* Pray every night and hope that nothing bad will ever happen to me or my family.



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