The Scientific Method can be used to solve any problems:



Step 1 State the Problem

You cannot solve a problem until you know what it is.

My problem is  ___________________


Step 2 Research the problem

What will it take to solve my problem?

What do I know and need to know to solve my problem?

To solve my problem I need to _________


Step 3 Form a hypothesis

A possible solution to my problem.

The simplest solution is often the best solution.


Step 4 Test the hypothesis

Perform an experiment to see if your hypothesis works.



Step 5 Draw conclusions from the data

Data are the results of an experiment.

In its simplest form, there are only 2 possible conclusions:

Conclusion 1: your hypothesis was correct.

Conclusion 2: your hypothesis was incorrect, the experiment failed.

 Scientific Method Timeline

  1. Scientific Method
    1. Procedure used to answer, investigate, or "solve" a scientific problem
    2. Universal approach
      1. Used by almost everyone in the field of science
    3. Can be used by almost anyone to attempt to get an answer to a question
  2. Steps of the Scientific Method
    1. Define the Problem
      1. Must be thought about carefully
      2. Usually comes after observing some phenomenon
      3. Must be something that can be can be studied
        1. Some questions are, at least at this point, unanswerable
    2. Search the Relevant Literature
      1. Use the library
        1. Search the materials that they have on hand or that they can obtain for you
      2. Talk to people who might know the answer, e.g. professors, scientists, teachers
      3. Search the Internet
      4. We try to avoid duplication unless it seems necessary
    3. Form a Hypothesis
      1. This is an educated guess that might be a possible answer to your question
    4. Testing the Hypothesis
      1. An experiment
        1. An experiment does not and will not PROVE the hypothesis
          1. Can support the hypothesis
          2. Can refute the hypothesis
        2. You must be a good observer when you experiment
      2. Experimental needs
        1. You might need specialized tools or equipment
        2. All methods and activities must be completely and accurately documented in your laboratory notebook
        3. All experiments must be repeatable
        4. All experiments must have a control
          1. The control group within the experiment is the group that is not changed
          2. It is the "normal" group
          3. Used for comparison purposes
      3. Experimental variables
        1. Independent variable
          1. That which you are free to change
        2. Dependent variable
          1. This changes due to the independent variable
      4. Measurements are many times required in an experiment
        1. Always use SI units
    5. Conclusion
      1. A possible answer for your question based on the data obtained from this experiment
      2. Comparison of conclusion to theory
        1. A theory is a conclusion based on the results of many experiments
        2. A theory is stronger than a simple conclusion


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