Until school year (2006-07) Coral Reef Senior High School, the Mega Magnet, facilitated the grades online for students and parents throughout its own school server. From school year (2007-08) the grades are posted through the district’s webpage for students ( and parents (

Please, keep visiting our school's webpage ( because in there you will obtain invaluable information about this very convenient feature and much more. The electronic book online allows students, parents, and guardians to access the grades, assessment, attendance, teachers' comments, behavioral incidents, and some statistical data. Please, e-mail the teacher once you find a discrepancy between the grades in class and the grades online. Please, be as detailed as possible (label or title of the assignment, complete name, and due date of the assignment(s) showing discrepancies). Mr. Pagani will do his best to correct the mistake as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


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