This page accumulates all the Home learning assignments given since the beginning of the school year, but this page is updated intermittently. For the latest Home learning assignments go to: http://www.schoolnotes.com/33157/pagani.html If for any reason, the system at schoolnotes.com is down, then check on this page. Students are supposed to take note of the Home learning assignments in class. If the student was absent, then he/she should call over the phone any of the 5 classmates contacts established at the beginning of the school year.

In order to properly identify, evaluate, and grade each piece of work you turn in, always remember to include the corresponding title and label of the Home learning assignments assignment exactly as you find them in this page. This will help you to easily identify the respective grades online.

DUE ON 10/25/06: Read Chapter 9 and specialize on the topic you will work on with your group in class. Bring anything that will help you do a better presentation on the topic. 

DUE ON 10/27/06: Review Chapter 9. You may have a quiz in class.

DUE ON 10/31/06: Review Chapter 9.

DUE ON 11/02/06: Complete the practice test and the outlined summary of the pathways.

DUE ON 11/06/06: Two-page paper on Cancer cells. Center on what happens at the level of the control of the cell cycle. Format: font 12, single spacing, 1 inch margin up, down, left and right. Pictures or diagrams must be strictly related to the text and properly labeled. You must show literature cited and follow citation rules. Follow APA style for the cited material (http://memorial.library.wisc.edu/citing.htm).

DUE ON 11/09/06: Opinion paper after visiting Dr. Day’s webpage (www.drday.com). Express yourself about what you think of it. Is it a bluff or could it be possible that returning to a very natural way of living we could improve our ways to fight cancer? What do you think about alternative medicine? Suggest ways to prevent /fight cancer.

DUE ON 11/16/06: Read and review chapter 13 on Meiosis. Look for some interactive software on Mitosis and Meiosis on the web, and e-mail them to me. Our class will be at the computer room on Thursday the 16th and Friday the 17th .

DUE ON 11/28/06: Read chapter 14.

DUE ON 12/04/06: Read chapter 14. Briefly describe what each one of these genetic disorders are about, and make a 3 generations pedigree of each showing clearly how all the different possible genotypes and phenotypes can appear in either the second or the third generation. Include at least one crossing between one member of the second generation of a family with one member of the second generation of another family. Use the illustration for the widow’s peak as an example to follow.

DUE ON 12/06/06: One-page research paper on Hemochromatosis.

DUE ON 01/19/07: One List (numbered) the 20 strongest arguments you have in favor (or against) evolution. Use the knowledge acquired until now (only scientific arguments)


DUE ON 02/02/07: Research paper on HIV virus. Include: description of the structure of the virus, mechanism of infection, mechanism of replication, and mechanisms of action of the different anti-HIV drugs.


DUE ON 02/08/07: Opinion paper about this news (http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/16631033.htm). A text copy of the news was sent to your school webmail. The tile of the news is: Florida may require vaccine for girls - Some key state lawmakers want to require Florida girls to be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease that causes cervical cancer.  Prepare for a test on chapter 18.

DUE ON 02/14/07: Bring Title, Objective, Hypothesis, an explanation of what each step of the procedure is for, and the expected results (what you expect to get after each step in the procedure) for Lab 6 A. Molecular Genetics – Ampicilline Resistance.

DUE ON 02/21/07: Bring the completed Tables 6.1 and 6.2, the log graph and the answers to all the questions in Lab 6 (analysis of results). Include a conclusion which will state whether the hypothesis was right or wrong and the percentage of accuracy. Visit my lab report format  page and use it for guidelines when you write a lab report (http://teachers.dadeschools.net/spagani/Labreport.htm). Please, make sure it looks nice because it will be submitted as a sample work to the Advanced Placement College Board.

DUE ON 02/23/07: Bring the textbook to class. Finish reading chapter 19.

DUE ON 02/27/07: Bring a three-page research paper on preventive ways to avoid cancer. Please, do not forget to include Bibliography following APA citation rules. (http://memorial.library.wisc.edu/citing.htm).

DUE ON 03/01/07: Report to room 247. That room will be our room for the rest of the school year. The date was changed due to the administration of the FCAT exam.

DUE ON 03/05/07: Outlined series of steps in your own words describing DNA sequencing. An illustration would complete the assignment.

DUE ON 03/07/07: Graphic Organizer showing all the practical applications of DNA technology. Please, list examples in each category.

DUE ON 03/22/07: Questionnaire/Analysis of Lab Number 8 on Hardy-Weinberg.


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