This page accumulates all the home learning assignments given since the beginning of the school year, but this page is updated intermittently. Students are supposed to:


Take note of the home learning assignments in class. Ask the teacher (or substitute teacher) if there is no home learning assignment posted. If the student was absent, then he/she should:


                                        i.    Check this webpage first,

                                      ii.    Call or text over the phone any of the 5 classmate contacts established at the beginning of the school year.

                                    iii.    Check the Google school webmail. Mr. Pagani will also send a copy of the home learning assignment through Google webmail (School Gmail)

                                    iv.    Finally, check the grades online. The same day the assignment is given, Mr. Pagani opens it as a pending assignment in the gradebook.


In order to properly identify, evaluate, and score each piece of work you turn in, always remember to include the date the assignment is due (not the date you completed it), your name, period number, and the corresponding title of the home learning assignment exactly as you find it in this page. This will help you and your teacher to easily identify the respective grades online.






DUE DATE: 08/24/17 & 08/25/17


1.  Finish the Cluster that you started in class

2.  Bring a Three-Paragraph paper with:

a.  the field of your preference in Chemistry and why is that your preference.

b.  what kind of work and work conditions do you expect to have? Schedule, salary, etc.

c.   which major goal would you like to achieve? Why or what for? How do you expect to help the entire humanity or just other human beings?



DUE DATE: 08/22/17 & 08/23/17


1.  Bring the Student-Parent-Teacher Contract signed for an easy "A"

2.  Bring the school forms signed:

a.  Fraternity and Sorority

b.  Emergency Contact Form

c.   Student Code of Conduct

d.  Unlisted Number

e.  Opt-Form

f.    Student Extracurricular Participation Form

g.  Media Release form

3.  Bring the Safety Lab Contract signed

4.  Bring the emergency Contact Form Signed

5.  Bring the Textbook to class always

6.  Register to Edmodo

a.  Go to www.edmodo.com

b.  Click on the face

c.   Click on I'm a Student

d.  Create a new account

e.  Enter the information requested and use the class code provided to you in the folder entitled “Content Library” at OneNote

f.    From <https://www.edmodo.com/home>


7.  Register to Gizmos

a.  Go to https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?method=cUserSecure.dspClass&ClassID=852591

b.  Click enroll into a class

c.   Enter the required information

d.  Enter the information requested and use the class enrollment code provided to you in the folder entitled “Content Library” at OneNote

8.  Review and Read all the Documents available on the Folder entitled "Content Library" at OneNote. Those are all the documents providing you all the information about this class.

9.  Visit Mr. Pagani's webpage at:

a.  http://teachers.dadeschools.net/spagani/

The information in that page is supposed to be the same one in the "Content Library" at OneNote, but it is of free access to the public. It seems that OneNote and Edmodo are taking over and reducing the need to use the webpage. But, when you do not have access to your emails, edmodo, or OneNote, you may access the webpage which does not require any password and you can get your home learning assignment or announcements.



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