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Welcome to another exciting year of music fun at

Coral Gables Preparatory Academy!

Music Class is all about learning while having fun.

Rhythm is MATH - We learn to divide, multiply, add, subtract, and create fractions to make music.

Songs strengthen READING SKILLS - We learn new vocabulary words and we reinforce reading comprehension every time we discuss the meaning of a song.

Music Sight-reading gives you BRAIN POWER - Right and Left hemispheres of the brain light up as students are sight-reading music on an instrument. That's because your brain is busy doing the math, reading intervals on the staff, and using your motor skills to create an audible outcome to all that your brain is digesting.

Instrumental Practice teaches DISCIPLINE - It takes a lot of patience and focus to learn an instrument. So while you're busy working on a passage of your music, or working on your instrumental technique, you're learning skills that allow you be more proficient in anything you ever set your mind to achieve.

Music teaches LISTENING SKILLS - You might be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, but chances are you can't play the recorder and talk about how your day has been . . . unless you're an alien with two mouths and two sets of vocal cords. :-)

Music teaches COORDINATION and MULTITASKING - If you've ever seen a drummer play, you've probably wondered, "How does he/she do that?" It takes a whole lot of practice to make every extremity of your body independent. Pianists need to make every finger independent in order to perform challenging pieces.

Music connects to Science, Social Studies, World History, Literature, and teaches about other cultures.

Let's not forget that music class is where the magic happens... where the child that's always been shy stands up to lead the class in song, where imagination soars and children feel free to share their visions of what the music is all about, where they can express themselves through movement and instrumental improvisation, where they learn to be leaders and valuable team players. Music class is an important part of your child's education! Please support our music programs so we may continue being of assistance to future generations.