John A. Ferguson Senior High School
Business Computer Programming 
Ms. Charters ~ (305) 408-2700 x-2261

Thank you in advance to each student’s parent or guardian, for e-mailing the teacher to acknowledge receipt of this syllabus, and reviewing its contents with the student.
An “A” will be awarded as a first assignment if the e-mail is sent within the first 2 weeks of the start of school (by Friday, September 4, 2009). 

Classroom Goals
Students will be able to logically solve problems using pseudo-code or flowcharts, and then implement a solution using a computer programming language such as Alice, Visual Basic, easyC, or Java.  After successful completion of the course, students will have met Occupational Completion Points A or B, qualifying them to be Information Technology Assistants and Computer Programmer Assistants.

Guidelines for Success
Students will be required to take notes during lecture time, and code, debug, and test programs during lab time.  Success will be determined by 3 criteria:
1.) students’ participation in the classroom discussions; 2.) completion of programming assignments; and 3.) passing periodic assessments of the programming concepts covered.

Classroom Rules
All rules derive from the first and most important one:  R E S P E C T.

  1. Follow the MDCPS Code of Student Conduct, especially:
    1. No cell phone use in class
    2. No iPod use in class
    3. No violation of the school’s dress code

  2. Follow the Computer Acceptable Use Policy, especially: (click here for a copy of policy)
    1. No eating or drinking in computer lab
    2. No playing of computer games in computer lab
    3. No access to unauthorized websites in computer lab

There will be regular programming assignments given each week, with a specific deadline to be met.  Participation in extra curricular activities such as programming competitions, computer/robotics club, and field trips is encouraged.
All work will be judged based on the approved MDCPS grading scale of A, B, C, D, or F.  A grade will be given weekly for each of the following:

  1. Note taking and class participation
  2. Completion of programming assignments
  3. Appropriate conduct in the classroom

Classroom Procedures
Entering the classroom
Students are expected to enter the classroom, go straight to their desk, and take out a pen or pencil along with a notebook, ready to listen to the class lesson of the day, and take notes.

Tardy to class
Students should not be tardy to class, as this disrupts the learning environment for everyone.  After 3 tardies, detentions will be issued, to be served after school in the cafeteria.

Students should bring paper, pen or pencil each day to class.  In addition, each student should bring a 1gigabyte flash drive to be used while at the computer during lab time. A one-time lab fee of $10 will be charged to every student within the first month of school, to help pay for the costs of paper, toner, robotic kits, and other classroom materials.

How to find out what the daily assignments are
Assignments are written on the board, and may also be referenced on the class website, under the “Labs” link.

Turning in assignments
Assignments should be completed by the deadline given, and will be checked on the student’s flash drive, while in the computer lab, or may be e-mailed to the teacher.  Copying of programming assignments is strictly forbidden, and will result in the grade of “F” for the specific assignment.  Repeated copying incidents will result in a referral, as this is a violation of the MDCPS Code of Student Conduct.

Finding out grade status
Grades are regularly posted on the MDCPS electronic grade book, and may be viewed via the Student Portal.  Interim progress reports will be sent home in the middle of each 9 weeks, and parents are encouraged to e-mail the teacher with any questions or concerns.

Student responsibilities after an absence
Upon return from an absence, students are responsible to ask the teacher for any assignments missed, and are given 1 week to make up the work and turn it in.  After that time, the assignment will be entered as a zero in the grade book.

Late or incomplete assignments

Assignments will be marked down a grade for being 1 week tardy, unless the reason for the tardiness is an excused absence.  After 1 week, the assignment will not be accepted, and will be entered as a zero in the grade book.  Incomplete assignments will not be accepted.

Communication procedures with parents and families
Parents are encouraged to regularly check their child’s grades, using the MDCPS Parent Portal, and are asked to call or e-mail the teacher with any questions or concerns.  Your call or e-mail will be replied to promptly within 24 hours.

Ending class
Two minutes before the bell rings, students will be asked to save their work on their flash drives, log off their computers, push their chairs in, and return to their desks, to wait the ringing of the bell.  The student’s work area should be left in a neat and orderly manner.

Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations

Students will be given a progressive disciplinary course of action as follows:

    • Verbal warning for a first offense
    • Parent contact for a second offense
    • Exclusion from classroom for a third offense
    • Detention or referral for more than 3 offenses

      Thank you for your adherence to the classroom rules and procedures.  I look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth!        Ms. Charters