What is Mu Alpha Theta?

Mu Alpha Theta is a national honor society for highschools and two-year colleges. Its primary goal is to inspire keen interest in mathematic and promote enjoyment in mathematics in highschools and two-year colleges.


In Ferguson’s Mu Alpha Theta members will take part in several club activities. Some of these are:

  • Beginning in December, members will be able to participate in mathematics competitions. This provides a great experience for students and gives them a chance to probably win scholarships.
  • This year Ferguson will be hosting a Mu Alpha Theta competition on February 13. All members will be required to provide assistance that day.
  • Match 14 members will celebrate PI Day during school hours to help fundraise money for States.
  • Members that have 15 club hours will be invited to attend the honors banquet, additionally seniors will receive a unique MAΘ cord.