Aug 2018

01.1_1-The World is Flat

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Tom Friedman is the author of a very important recent book titled "The World is Flat". While it would be a rewarding experience for all of you to read it, we watched an MIT "open courseware" talk by Friedman in class to provide an historical context, or framework, to help you understand the immense changes that have taken place in human civilization over the past several centuries.

Here is a link to the video we watched.

Here is a link to the notes pages for the video.

01.1_1-The World is Flat Wordcloud

Click here to see a javascript generated wordcloud based on the text of The World is Flat.

01.1_0-Topic Outline

The AP Topic Outline for Human Geography can be found here.

01.1_0-Pacing Guide

The pacing guide for the Malinowski textbook can be found here.

01.1_0-Key Terms & Identifications

The sortable list of APHG terms can be found here.


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