Company Commander

Headquarters Company

This is where Headquarter's C/O's summary will go in the future.









Company First Sergeant

Headquarters Company

This is where Headquarter's First Sergeants's summary will go in the future.



Company Commander

Alpha Company

This is where Alpha's C/O's summary will go in the future.









Company First Sergeant

Alpha Company

This is where Alpha's First Seargent's bio will go in the future.











Company Commander

Bravo Company

This is where Bravo's C/O's summary will go in the future.









Company First Sergeant

Bravo Company.

This is where Bravo's First Sergeant's summary will go in the future.









Company Commander

Charlie Company

This is where Charlie's C/O's summary will go in the future.









Company First Sergeant

Charlie Company

I am a LET 2 and currently the First Sergeant for Charlie. From My LET 1 year, I learned a lot. Responsibility, organization, leadership, and more.









Company Commander

Delta Company

This is where Delta's C/O's summary will go in the future.









Company First Sergeant

Delta Company

This is where Delta's First Sergeant's summary will go in the future.